Winning the hearts and minds of kids and their parents

The Challenge

The toy market is under pressure from more discerning kids, more price sensitive wallets and an onslaught of cheap imitators.

So. we’ve been helping legacy brand Nerf stave off the competition, and win the hearts and minds of kids and their parents, with our global conversion toolkit. 

The Problem

In a market of knock offs and imitators, sometimes you need to remind consumers why the original is the best and worth spending a bit more on.

 In the world of toy blasters this challenge becomes more complex as you balance the wants of kids (kudos) with the needs of parents (bang for buck).

The Opportunity

Nerf was bringing new ‘dart’ innovation to the market. But few kids are excited by the dart over the blaster. What kids do care about however is performance. Tapping into their innate need to master skills and games. At the same time, parents understand that better performance increases the time spent in play, and therefore the value of the purchase.

The Solution

Our Nerf conversion toolkit spoke to the benefits of a new dart in terms of performance (speed and accuracy). While our disruptive POS assets dialled up innovation and excitement. Whilst reinforcing Nerfs superiority in the market. And creating some visual distance between copy cat competitors.

If you’re looking for hard working retail assets that can speak to consumer psychology and commercial priorities, then our experts would be thrilled to speak to you


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