FMCG Marketing at the Point of Sale

Point of sale marketing, or as it’s more commonly known POS marketing, refers to types of in-store promotions or marketing campaigns that are designed to increase the number of purchases made at the point of sale. It’s most commonly used in retail environments but also in the leisure and hospitality industry, among others. 

POS marketing is a crucial part of marketing FMCG products. Designed to help alleviate visual barriers and enhance the overall shopping experience, POS marketing enables us to encourage customers to continue making in-store purchases, as opposed to shopping solely online. Effective POS marketing also contributes to the volume of impulse purchases made by customers in-store at the crucial few moments before they check out. 

With so much competition, these fast-moving brands are constantly battling at the point of sale. The FMCG market is increasingly saturated with more and more brands across every category fighting for consumer attention. And supermarket own brand products are becoming ever more popular, too, making it more challenging than ever to not only stay relevant but to achieve that all-important sale. In order for FMCG brands to succeed, it’s essential to stand out amongst the competition for all the right reasons. 

Be it in-store or online, that very last moment in which the consumer makes the decision between one brand and the several others available to them is crucial. This is why POS marketing is so important to FMCG brands. With fierce competition existing in every category, as well as the current cost of living crisis, the importance of a successful, proven POS marketing strategy is at an all-time high. 

A two-pronged approach

Traditionally, POS marketing has always been more commonly associated with the collateral, packaging and promotions employed by brands in the retail environment. However, we always recommend aligning your digital and eCommerce POS with your in-store activity to achieve peak success. The consumer journey isn’t a linear process, and with the continual expansion of all things digital, together with the fact that many brands are now selling direct to customers, it’s vital that brands consider every avenue when developing a POS strategy both in-store and online.  

At Quantum, we’re huge believers in the power of POS marketing, and our Wilkinson Sword Sharpening Your Style Since 1772 campaign is a testament to the success of innovative POS campaigns. 

We devised a true celebration of the brand’s 250th birthday worthy of an FMCG brand that has stood the test of time. 

“This is the biggest feature we have ever had that included systems in Tesco” – Simon Harwood, Senior Shopper Marketing Manager.

We designed dramatic on-pack graphics and in-store displays which were replicated across digital OOH and social media giving away £250,000 worth of prizes. The campaign brought their big creative strategy to life in the crucial moments that matter at the point of purchase, delivering great results. 

Consistency is key

Irrespective of the brand category, it’s crucial that every brand’s strategy is both smooth and consistent. Brands must activate their brand strategy across digital and in-store points of sale seamlessly, all whilst acknowledging the varying consumer behaviours in-store and online. We must ask ourselves the following:

  • Are the audience profiles the same across both channels or do they differ in some way? 

  • Does the audience use in-store for research and online to buy, or is it the other way around? 

  • If your brand also sells D2C, do your in-store promotions need to be mirrored online?

Bringing your brand strategy to life across online and in-store POS

Regardless of the point-of-sale marketing tactics you opt to use, it’s imperative that you prioritise bringing your overarching creative to life in both a compelling and altogether authentic way. Focus your attention on bringing positive partners on board – the type who can support you in the creation of campaigns that not only convert, but stay true to the big idea in the moments that matter most. 

At Quantum, we’re passionate about the power of POS marketing, and the results of our campaigns are a result of our carefully curated marketing strategies. The Brewdog Guarantee is another example of an in-store activation that captured the attention of retailers and consumers alike. Prospective Brewdog drinkers were invited to claim £5 back on their purchase of a four-pack if they didn’t enjoy it. This campaign ran on 1.1 million packs and was a completely innovative incentive in the world of beer drinking. Retailers were so excited by the campaign that we were able to secure a whole host of in-store opportunities and press without the need for any discount. 

Find out more about what we do and how we can help you channel the power of POS marketing campaigns by getting in touch here.


The Importance of Sustainability in Brand Activation


Retail Safari - Issue No.6